The Story Line follows the water.
Starting at 91st avenue with the thriving cattails, bull rushes, duck weed and algae blooms of the Flow Restricted Wetlands.
Water from the wetlands is released into the Overbank wetlands.
Our story begins at 91st Avenue where water leaving the treatment plant is flowing into the salt river. This site has a story line that connects people to trees, birds, animals, insects plants and micro organisms.
The water on this site is just visiting, it is on the move who knows where it came from and where it is going. The water you drank last week may be flowing by you at this very moment - it may be “Cleopatra’s Bath water “ from 2000 years ago.
Water is the central unifying character and art can be the animator, guide and provocateur.
Flood Control / water purification / environmental restoration.
competition finalist
Tres Rios is host to a grand collaboration between engineered systems and natural systems. Looking at the Tres Rios site as a whole we see amazing richness and diversity divided into parallel zones, each of these ribbons provides habitat for different species. The Over Bank Wetlands provide habitat for birds, fish, wildlife aquatic and emergent plants; engineered and natural systems are working in tandem to restore the value of the water.

The infinity loop is a symbol that represents a never-ending cycle. Water flowing through this controlled environment is in the process

The water on this site is just visiting, it is on the move, who knows where it came from and where it is going. The water you drank last week may be flowing by you at this very moment - it may be “Cleopatra’s bath water” from 2000 years ago.

Double rain pull a metaphor for rain on the reflecting stage.

Schematic footing for Infinity Loop: “Mooring Option” uses the basic marine approach of a large stable mass to provide stable base without penetrating the base of the pond.