Swimming Dreams underpass indulges the fantasy of swimming in the canal as the path dips down below McDowell Road to a height equivalent to water level. Abstracted images of swimming figures are sandblasted into concrete wing walls and wainscot of tunnel. The swimmers are thrown into contrast by rock gabion terraces planted with a sea of Agave and other spiny desert plants.
The Crosscut Canal carves its way through Scottsdale’s desert landscape delivering water to residential gardens, water treatment plants and an urban hydroelectric power plant. This ribbon of water is part of a 181 mile network of canals that traverse the metropolitan area. The City of Scottsdale recognizes these canal corridors as wonderful civic / cultural spaces that offer an alternative to the grid of city streets. Runners, walkers and cyclists actively use this path for recreation and as a commuter link to Papago Park, ASU and neighboring cities.
Art elements along the one mile path way include: shade amenities, seating, a tunnel and several interpretive elements that imbue the canalscape with historical significance.

A bronze manhole cover marks the spot where an escape tunnel dug by German Prisoners of war emerged on the canal bank.